Wednesday, June 27, 2012

a truly delightful and stunning honor!

it was truly an honor to be a finalist in metal clay artist magazine's annual juried contest.  i just found out that i placed first: talk about crazy amazing!

this inspirational publication gets a huge thank you from me! when i made this piece, i had no idea that others would be interested in what i thought was a beautiful but very odd box. i was just excited to have an excuse to push myself to use whatever materials my heart desired to tell a story. thank you for that push Metal Clay Artist Magazine, thank you Celie, Lora and Joy for your impossible challenge in judging and thank you pmc connection for your 

this promises to be a spectacular issue, starting with its cover, graced by metal clay genius wanaree tanner's intricate bronze portal bangle. all several hundred entrants in the "metal clay plus" juried contest will be there to inspire and delight, and much more! only a few more weeks to wait...

lost point of origin
fine and sterling silver, bronze, copper, vitreous glass enamel, found object, pearl, mica, thread, paper

lost point of origin

lost point of origin, side

lost point of origin, back

would you like to see a video of the movement in this mechanical box? click here
lost point of origin, side open


  1. Et l’on croyait ouïr, au fond de la serrure Béante, un bruit lointain, vague et joyeux murmure …. » Arthur Rimbaud.

  2. merci Phil, pour ces paroles magnifique en français!
