Wednesday, June 27, 2012

a truly delightful and stunning honor!

it was truly an honor to be a finalist in metal clay artist magazine's annual juried contest.  i just found out that i placed first: talk about crazy amazing!

this inspirational publication gets a huge thank you from me! when i made this piece, i had no idea that others would be interested in what i thought was a beautiful but very odd box. i was just excited to have an excuse to push myself to use whatever materials my heart desired to tell a story. thank you for that push Metal Clay Artist Magazine, thank you Celie, Lora and Joy for your impossible challenge in judging and thank you pmc connection for your 

this promises to be a spectacular issue, starting with its cover, graced by metal clay genius wanaree tanner's intricate bronze portal bangle. all several hundred entrants in the "metal clay plus" juried contest will be there to inspire and delight, and much more! only a few more weeks to wait...

lost point of origin
fine and sterling silver, bronze, copper, vitreous glass enamel, found object, pearl, mica, thread, paper

lost point of origin

lost point of origin, side

lost point of origin, back

would you like to see a video of the movement in this mechanical box? click here
lost point of origin, side open

Sunday, June 17, 2012

an interview

how exciting to be asked for an interview! but even more delightful to see is the look on my son's face when he sees my name and work in print! 

he would much prefer me to spend more time cooking, cleaning and doing laundry than sweating in my studio.  i have cut down on these domestic activities to a noticeable degree but i haven't cut them out entirely. for instance, today, sunday, i've made pancakes, toffee, prepped french onion soup for dinner, done laundry and lots of dishes...happily i've also etched some copper :)

the interview, in tonya davidson's musings and mullings blog, is such an extraordinary honor that i am still floating in the twilight zone. but a good one, not like the only episode i remember where the earth was moving away from the sun and everyone was freezing to death!

here it is, and if my odd life isn't that interesting to you, you can check out the many amazing previous artists who've been profiled :)  CLICK HERE

you can also check out tonya's artful success program

eyes of truth
kimberly nogueira 2012

metal clay academy--what is your inspiration?

i'm so excited! the beautiful emma gordon, of metal clay academy (an all-encompassing compendium of metal clay resources) ,  asked me to talk about my inspiration for a favorite piece for her april newsletter, so i chose to write about my mechanical piece, "threshold".

here is the link to the article:  click here .  you will also be able to read about christi anderson, whose magical piece just won a saul bell award! definitely take the time to look at previous newsletters for the super fabulous artists who talk about their work and life; it's awe-inspiring to see what is out there being created!

kimberly nogueira 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

metal clay artist magazine's annual contest--metal clay plus

one of my favorite publications, metal clay artist magazine, is devoted entirely to metal clay. thank you for this!

their annual contest challenged artists to use metal clay and at least one other material and so i began wondering to myself, what am i having issues with at the moment? are there any concerns that i would like to get out of my system with a piece of art? most of the things on my mind center around childhood and this was no exception.  so i made a piece that included quite a few other things beside metal clay, laboring for several months on an automaton pendant.

 i'm having a twilight zone moment because this piece was chosen as one of the 4 finalists!

you should see the other artists' work--all reknowned for incredible innovation and technique:  liz potter hall, milica popover bubanja, and noortje meijerink. clicking on their names will send you to their websites so you can see more of their amazing art!

please click here to see their work in pmc connections' blog post!

here's my submission:

lost point of origin
kimberly nogueira

Sunday, June 10, 2012

bird rehabilitation

a baby scaly-naped pigeon is a delight to behold! they are small but very dense little creatures, with gigantic beaks, giving them an endearing prehistoric look

the scaly-naped pigeon is an elegant bird when it is older and has grown into its adorable prehistoric-looking beak.  these birds, especially the babies, are seldom seen--they are tree pigeons and spend their lives up high in the trees eating berries and seeds.

st john is very lucky indeed to have federally permitted wildlife rehabiliator phyllis benton in its midst--she is one of my closest friends and taught me everything i know about getting injured and orphaned birds back out into the wild. i am one of her sub-permittees and a devoted volunteer. we have no family pets at our house, but every now and then, especially when phyllis is off-island, an avian menagerie assembles almost out of thin air.  calls come from the national park or concerned citizens. i recently scheduled a pick up at a local eatery and was handed a styrofoam to-go container decorated in pen with air holes and adorned with a living plumbago bloom, a gentle shelter for a baby bananaquit. another call took me all the way across the island to the maho bay campgrounds, where i was handed an open box with a paralyzed laughing gull.  this was my first case of botulism, which is very easy to treat if caught early enough.  and after several weeks, this fellow was released back at maho bay :)