i'm displaying the avian biofacts that i just learned how to prepare in beth knapp tyner's class. these are for educational purposes only and require a permit to possess, which i do not have, so they remained with her to use. |
i returned home recently from the florida wildlife rehabilitation symposium in haines city florida-- three long and wonderful class-filled days focusing on rehabilitating wildlife with the avian rehabber that i volunteer for here on st john, phyllis benton. i am so grateful to the florida wildlife rehabilitation association for giving me a scholarship to attend this symposium! it was a scholarship in honor of harry kelton, who founded the pelican harbor seabird station in miami, fl. so amazing is the coincidence that i first learned to tube feed a bird at that very facility, under the tutelage of the late and extraordinary wendy fox, who directed the seabird station at that time. i still remember fondly the way the permanent-resident pelicans would line up politely for their fish as i fed them! a special thanks to phyllis, who covered my airfare, and who i am trying to pay back by selling light switch covers. i call her the bird whisperer, she is just so good with diagnosing avian injury and illness with the minimal resources we have here on this tiny island.
the symposium classes in avian nutrition, broken wing splints and wraps, and avian opthomology were some of my favorites, and i loved connecting with so many bright, dedicated professionals in this field. have you ever heard of a "hospitality room"? this was a room that had chips, candy and drinks (thank goodness for the mountain dew, which i haven't had since college, but which helped keep me awake since the time to sleep was short)!
i've had only one bird come my way for rehabbing since returning home, and i am happy to say that it was successfully released within about a half an hour. it was a gorgeous juvenile mangrove cuckoo that a friend found sitting on her porch, perhaps stunned from a collision with the window. i hear these birds more often than i see them, they have very distinctive calls. what lovely birds, with their black and white tail markings!
I'm glad the cuckoo was saved! A forgot to tell you, but a few days later another one that looked exactly the same flew into the sliding door at my grandparent's house! It sat there in a daze and then flew off about a half hour later.